Feedback A-Team Nor-Tech

Alden Thornton answering a question on “The Hull Truth” weather he has any feedback to give on his new Ullman Atlantic Seats.

I am fairly confident that i would not be able to fish offshore without the Ullman seats.

The seat itself controlls and dampens the shock to your entire body, all of that being siad the Ullman’s, it is a family company, have given me first class personal attention up to and including enquiring as to the exact disc and exact problem with each disc to try and help with the placement of the seat as it relates to the steering wheel and throttles.

The Ullman’s actually helped with the ergonomics of the helm location.
Besides that, the crew all fight over the second seat, my wife usually gets to ride there but saturday for instance one of our larger friends rode there, he admits to 370, not sure that is quite the exact number but maybe close.

Alden Thornton
Nor-Tech Hi-Performance Boats
National Saltwater Sales Manager
Fishing Team Manager