New suspension seats for +80knots boats

Ullman Dynamics, the world leader suspension seats and impact injury protection, will launch several new seats at NAVDEX in Abu Dhabi, February 19-23,
All seats feature the Ullman 3-Dimensional Suspension Technology, mitigating both vertical and oblique impacts, which makes them the safest seats on the market.
The Echelon is a range of helm seats developed for high speed craft operating up to 80+ knots. It comes in a variety of versions optimised for various requirements and mission profiles.

Ullman has a strong presence in this region. Having exhibited at NAVDEX for many years has provided useful feedback from operators of a variety of units, which has prompted ideas for new concepts. One example is the new boarding seat that is being launched at NAVDEX 2017.

The New Ullman Boarding seats take up less deck space than any other seats on the market, allowing more free space for boarding operations or for carrying payload.
They are also the lightest, and most effective seats, scientifically proven to protect people from injury.
Try the seats at Stand: C-012 at NAVDEX and on board the boats offering test rides.

“We have now, since the HSBO Forum, done over 5000 Nm of testing our new inboard version, with the Echelon seats.
This included a Southampton-Oslo transit of 800 Nm and Oslo to Hardanger ≈ 350Nn, in extremely demanding weather and sea conditions on open seas”
“The seats are fantastic.  They keep your back and knees safe, even in these harsh conditions and during long missions of up to 8 hours. We have not had a single injury, or pain issue, during these runs.  A great Thanks to the Ullman Team for developing such good seats!”
Says Fredrik Bolstad, Program Manager at Goldfish Professional.

Ullman Seats are the world’s safest suspension seats and have a unique track record.
12 000 seats are in military/professional use, in more than 70 countries, since up to 17 years.
Still no injuries and no ejection have been reported.