Politique environnementale

Environmental Policy

Ullman Dynamics develop, manufacture, market and sell suspended boat seats and thereby associated products and services.

We work for sustainable development where environmental considerations are integrated into all business decisions. We are committed to continually improving this work. Employees of Ullman Dynamics shall, as far as possible, choose eco-friendly travel options and shall within procurement also take into account environmental concerns. Offices and warehouses are geographically located with the aim to minimize travel and logistics for both personnel and goods. Customers are given the option to choose carbon neutral freight for their goods.

Ullman Dynamics is thus committed to:

  • Identify, evaluate, and meet the environmental demands assigned to us.
  • Comply with applicable environmental legislation and other requirements.
  • Work with environmental issues in a preventive manner.
  • Through technical and economical actions, carry out and continually improve our business in a way that balances our corporate social responsibility and environmental demands.
  • Have good knowledge of environmental issues related to the products we procure.
  • Creating favorable conditions for our employees to take an active environmental responsibility.
  • Communicate our environmental effort in a transparent and clear manner.
  • Conserve energy and resources.
  • Maintain focus on our actual environmental impact


All employees at Ullman Dynamics shall be involved and informed about our environmental work. The information about our environmental efforts shall be open and accessible. The environmental policy is communicated directly and is available through our intranet.

The environmental policy shall be reviewed annually and serve as a beacon for the employees at Ullman Dynamics.