User Feedback

Canadian Coast Guard Aux

feeback The FRC has been out on three Taskings (how we refer to missions) and the seat are perfect. We have only gone out in 25knot winds so far and the seats made the chop very comfortable, we look for a real test! The only complaint the crew has is that I should have bought to more sets of foot rests! Canadian Coast Guard Aux.,Unit Leader 85 Sunset Drive, Glen Haven , N.S. B3Z 2T3...

Jockey seats on Sea-shepherd

Les sièges Ullman Dynamics Biscaya sont un  vrai plus dans le bateau et pour le confort de nos équipes.  Ullman Dynamics Biscaya seats are a real plus in the boat and for the comfort of our teams....

« Ullman is a must for all professional end- users »

I have been using  all different type of  Ullman Seats during my active duty as a Navy officer, and High speed boat instructor. After so many hours and so many miles, sea trials, life boat  training, maritime police training, operational navigation, ocean crossings and several other events, Ullman seats has protected my back for more than a decade, whilst offering first class technical support. We go out when all the  others want to come in, failure is not an option in our...

I am very impressed with this product which has required no maintenance or adjustment throughout the 13 years.

"I purchased Ullman seats for my 4.8 meter rib in 2008 and have utilised the vessel in the UK’ s Channel Island rough waters for thirteen years. The suspension and comfortability have been priceless - enjoyed by pilot and passengers alike. I am very impressed with this product which has required no maintenance or adjustment throughout the 13 years." Michael Doyle...

Sylvain Garcia – Professional Skipper and Fishing Guide Lorient -France

Photos : Matthieu Esnault "J'ai équipé mon nouveau bateau de 2 sièges ULLMAN Biscaya, et je ne regrette pas ce choix: le confort en navigation est incroyable. Je navigue en effet plus de 4000 nautiques par an, ce qui sollicite énormément le dos et les genoux. Les impacts en navigation sont totalement absorbés par les sièges, ce qui génère beaucoup moins de fatigue en fin de journée." Sylvain Garcia* Professional Skipper and Fishing Guide Lorient -France...

« Unbelievable about comfort and security! »

Feedback from our customers always put smiles on our faces and reminds us why we love to protect people with the world-leading shock mitigation seating. -What kind of boat do you have?My boat is a French 25 ft RIB, Zeppelin XVPRO 750, with a 350DA Suzuki with duoprop. - Why did you choose Ullman seats for your boat? I wanted Ullman seats to sail safety on long raids, for example crossing the channel. This is my first experience with Ullman seats. It’s my second Zeppelin 750 and I wanted a...

Quote of the month September

With my new Ullman Jockey Seats, I experience great driving and high performance, I am both comfortable and feel safe to drive my RIB for more than 40 kts during several hours which can be very strenuous. The reason I chose Ullman Jockey Seats was that I wanted to have the same high quality seats as many SAR, Police and Coast Guard boats have and also the seats' design. Kind regards, Carl Johan Sagnér Owner of 59 North Adventure AB  ...

Quote of the month April

Ullman is a great company to deal with. I have their seats in my H733 and love them. They are by far the most easily maintained and I believe they last longer. I have both new seats and older seats that I have reconditioned(some of the first Ullman's to be seen stateside, 25+ years old ) Ullman has an office here in the US in Virginia but it isn't uncommon to call the US number and speak directly with Carl Ullman the CEO in Sweden.... Give them a call and let him know what you are wanting to...

Quote of the month March

"If you wish to be the best, you simply have to work with the best equipment and the leading suppliers available. That's why we choose Ullman seats for all our passengers and crew in our vessels. We truly believe that this is one of the key factors in keeping our RIB experiences spectacular but safe." - Fredrik Sjøblom Robertsen, RIB Oslo, Norway...

Quote of the month February

According to my opinion, Ullman Dynamics is a company which aims towards excellence, and succeeds. Through the quality of conception (design), realisation of their products and and by the quality of their customer service. Having an Ullman Aerodynamic console and Biscaya seats on my boat I have navigated several times in 9/10 B + 5/6 D seas and I've always felt safe and comfort. - Gilles Dannery de Feral, France Zodiac Milpro SRR-870...

Just finished 400nm tripping around in new…

These seats are nothing short of amazing! Just finished 400nm tripping around in new 10.5 Kirby built NAIAD, feel like a new man. These things are worth every dime, that is proven. Jeremy Williams - Australia ...

The Echelon is like a magic carpet..!!!!

I went to Norway and had a chance to test drive the Goldfish  M12 with the new Echelon seats. I also sat on both types of the Sisu jockey seat! I took the boat up  to 65 Knots but we managed to reach 72!!! for a military boat it’s impressive And the ride was super comfortable! QUOTE OF THE MONTH The Echelon feels like a magic carpet..!!!! But I liked the fixed Sisu a lot.. I spend many hours of the trip in the Sisu as a passenger and for my 8m boat looks to be a better choice…especially...

RibCraft Mitigator

We have one Ullman on our Ribcraft Mitigator and like it so much we are adding 2 more and one on our 30 foot Nautica. Not only have we found it to be great in heavy seas but to our surprise very comfortable on long calm trips as well. We often have tows lasting over 10 hours and spend 1/3 of that time at speed and 2/3 traveling slow while under tow. I originally thought the seat was going to be uncomfortable at the slow speeds but was amazed after having spent 12 hours on it one day. It not...

I have had back surgery

I have Ullmans and have had back surgery - without the seats I don't think I would be able to go ribbing. Really do work Jon...

SRR 870 Zodiac

    Johan, After 3 days demos up to 5 m waves I must sat that you have exceptional seats. I did not understand your criticism on the 11M SMS but after having compared the seats with real sea conditions, I really appreciated the dynamic effect and control.  Congrats ! We'll send you more pictures and videos. David Cazalot Zodiac International  ...

Volvo Penta IPS Channel Trip 2013

1850 NAUTICAL MILES | 7 LEGS | 6 STOPOVERS | 27 DAYS Captains chair Posted on June 13, 2013 by martinjufors, Volvo Penta During the transfer to Ijmuiden we were so happy that our captain drove the whole night, never even asking for our help. He was sitting in his chair, looking out over the dark sea commited to bring us all safely to Ijmuiden. He’s a hero, we all said! Until today, when I sat in his “Ullman chair”. I realized that while we were giving our legs a long workout (we...

« I am extremely satisfied with the seats »

It will come as no surprise to you that I am extremely satisfied with the seats, the overall ride experience is very comfortable and a considerable improvement from the standard jockey seats.  With the new Biscaya seats our time spent cruising between scientific data buoys or sampling stations is much more pleasurable.  We are now arriving on station much fresher and ready to work; the normal fatigue associated with a long sea journey practically irradiated by a seat that does the work. ...

Commercial operator looking to specify a work boat.

From my side, we chose Caribe as our RIB supplier as I had experience of the speed, durability and performance of the Caribe brand, which made it the perfect high-speed response craft for my marina. Originally we did not specify the Ullman seat option due to the increased sale price, but after Caribe convinced us otherwise, we are now very glad that we did. We have piloted our RIB in the dark, in high seas and flat seas, for rescue, pleasure trips, piloting and regatta race management, and the...

Feedback A-Team Nor-Tech

Alden Thornton answering a question on "The Hull Truth" weather he has any feedback to give on his new Ullman Atlantic Seats. I am fairly confident that i would not be able to fish offshore without the Ullman seats. The seat itself controlls and dampens the shock to your entire body, all of that being siad the Ullman's, it is a family company, have given me first class personal attention up to and including enquiring as to the exact disc and exact problem with each disc to try and help with...

Feedback Laurence

Hi Carl, We are installing the seats this week, the two console seats are in and they look amazing! There is nothing else that I need right now but I will let you know if anything else comes up. It has been a pleasure doing business with you guys, very professional and great customer service, I would recommend you to anybody. Will send you pictures of the boat in operation and look forward to ordering more seats. Best Regards Laurence...

Feedback François

I am a French happy owner of a 23 feet RIB from Kelt, a Sea Hawk 225,  which I use with my family in South Britanny, and at the same time seriously  considering the acquisition of a larger RIB (probably from 26 to 29 feet). I have a very good relationship with my boat dealer, who just “built” a Revenger 25 with two of your seats. I have tried it and must say they are absolutely fantastic, I definitely want those on my next boat…. The question is: which boat !!? François  ...

Feedback from youtube

I have tried these seats and they are simply amazing. I ran for about ten minutes into a head sea, 1 to 1,5m of waves very short. All of a sudden I realised that not only was I extremely comfortable but I was able to keep my eyes focused on the sea in front of me because my head was no longer bounding around my shoulders. In fact what you find is that the boat "floats" between you and the sea...

Feedback from GORE-TEX®

For me there were two pieces of kit that were absolutely crucial to the success and safety of the trip - naturally I am thinking of the MUSTO GORE-TEX suits but for me the Ullman seats were incredible.  I've now come to view them as essential safety equipment and I was really impressed with their performance.  Can't thank you enough for this as without them the trip would not have been safe and certainly a lot less comfortable.  I'll have a problem going back to my own RIB now! Thank you...

Arctic Challenge Feedback

“Without question, Ullman seat technology has totally transformed safety and crew comfort. In nearly a quarter of a century of offshore powerboating and RIB adventuring, I have never had such a shock free ride as the one experienced on the GORE-TEX® Arctic Challenge. Ullman’s pioneering seat technology really works as I can testify firsthand.” "Hugo Montgomery-Swan, Organiser of the Arctic Challenge"...

Impressed by the seats performance

Dear Johan, Lorne Campbell, Jeremy Watts (owner of Ice Marine - Bladerunner manufacturers) and I have just returned from Hawai'i, where we have ridden the Mosquito RIB and experienced your seats for the first time. I would just like to pass on our congratulations to you on a fantastic design. We (and all at Navatek) are very impressed by the seats performance. I actually took a while to 'trust' the seat and let it do some of the work, rather than take all of the forces on my legs, as I would...

The new Ullman Atlantic Seats so far are a great success.

Hi! On behalf the Coast Guard I would like to forward some feedback from the operators of the new ALUSAFE-1050 IKV FPRC. The boat has been used in rescue, police and customs operations etc.... So far all experience of the boat is only positive. The boat feels really solid and handles very well in high sea states. The new Ullman Atlantic Seats so far are a great success. With boat controls, joystick and plotter controls integrated, the MMI is optimized. This is really good! Best Regards Stein...

I come home less tired because I am confident sitting all day during my navigation.

Johan I want to let you know that the Biscaya seats have changed my life. As a professional fishing Guide I spend between ten to twelve hours on a rough sea, on a daily base. I am no more suffering from my back, like I was on my previous boat. More over I come home less tired because I am confident sitting all day during my navigation. Even my clients are stunned by the comfort. I thank you so much for coming up with such a good product Sincerly Arnaud de Wildenberg Photographe-Moniteur guide...

I can drive the vessel at least 10knots faster in a given sea state

Photo credit and driver Chris "Johnsy" Johns of the Albany Sea Rescue Squad. Hello. One of our biggest critics is my wife. I don’t mean that in a bad sense.  She is the one that has to find the money to fuel my passion, so when I make a decision to fit 4 Biscaya seats to our next vessel, she suggested my ego was getting the better of me.  However, after the first trial she announced that the best feature of the vessel was the  Ullman seats. I would endorse that statement, I can drive the...