
Human Performance of High-Speed Boat Operators

Travelling on high-speed boats is physically exhausting. Energy consumption makes you very tired and affects physical performance. Ullman suspension seats significantly reduce energy consumption compared to fixed seating.

Running performance is significantly reduced in military personnel after a high-speed transit when using fixed seats. Using Ullman Jockey Seats increases post-transit physical performance and endurance by 30.5 % compared to fixed seats.

Ullman Seats not only reduce the risk of injury but they also enhance the operational performance of the boat crew and passengers. When operators are challenged with military or lifesaving tasks, the difference between exhausted and alert could mean life or death.

Reference: (1.)Myers S, Dobbins T, Hill, J. and Dyson R. (2006) Energy expenditure during transits in 28ft RIB in varying sea states. Conference Proceedings; ABCD Symposium on Human Performance at Sea: Influence of Ship Motions on Biomechanics and Fatigue, Panama City, FL, USA.
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