
The No. 1 in Marine Jockey Seats.
The Ullman Biscaya is designed to protect the crew and passengers of high-speed craft from injury. The seat design optimizes body posture while the Ullman Semi-Active Progressive Shock Mitigation System takes care of the high forces during impact.
The Ullman Biscaya Jockey Seat has a high backrest for maximum comfort and support plus long saddle sides for optimal lateral support in a straddling position. To further improve seating geometry, the Ullman Biscaya includes two handles manufactured of carbon fiber that give wider support for passengers behind the seat. A zipped neoprene pouch for gear is located on the rear of the backrest.
The Ullman Semi-Active Progressive Shock Mitigation System, provides unsurpassed shock mitigation, allowing the human muscular reflex system to synergize with the mechanical suspension, resulting in the mitigation of 76% of the impact exposure.
Ullman Biscaya seats are the adopted benchmark standard in many navies and coast guards around the world. They are in use in more than 60 countries worldwide.
The entire Ullman marine seating range is made from all non-corrosive materials, all fully compliant with the toughest military specifications. The water-resistant upholstery is designed for use on open boats in extreme conditions. Each seat is delivered with UV-protected Weather Protection Covers.
The Ullman Jockey Seat Biscaya is available on three different bases and can also be delivered without base for mounting on a custom base.
Optional accessories include Adjustable Dampers, Foldable Footrests, Armrests, Lateral supports, Front Seat Handles, Black thermal insulated PUR-Handles, Air-Tech Lap Belt, Cordura™-covers and Waterproof Hatches for gear stowage inside the seat base.
Biscaya features
- High backrest for maximum comfort and support.
- Longer saddle sides for optimal lateral support in straddling position.
- Extra padding on the front of the backrest and over its top.
- Two handles – wider support for passengers behind.
Common Features on all Ullman Jockey Seats
- Ullman Semi-Active Progressive Shock Mitigation System
- Handles and mitigates high forces during impact.
- Synergizes with human muscular reflex system.
- Reduce impact exposure by 76%
- Self-cooling, highly progressive damper.
Seating Geometry
- Shaped to protect the operator from injuries in all conditions.
- Ensures optimal posture of body and spine to withstand impact.
- Activates the human natural reflex-based muscular protection system.
- Distributes impacts between arms and legs to protect back and neck.
- Self-adjusting height depending on weight. Lighter users sit higher.
Extra Features
- Water and UV protective seat cover.
- Zipped neoprene pouch for gear on backside of backrest.
- 3 years Limited World Wide Warranty.

Biscaya XLT EDGE